A Monologue
Doesn’t every parent embarrass their children? Just by existing mostly. Or if they don’t embarrass them, they commit some other major blunder … anger at just the wrong moment … you can be sure your kid remembers it … 1O years later. Forgetfulness clumsiness… too many drinks … too few nights at the dining table … pretending you have a vague idea how to do the maths homework.
That’s only the tip of the iceberg isn’t it though kids….because let’s be honest you don’t really know your parents… you don’t want to… I mean you really don’t want to… because if you were to really know them… they’d be busted….. and you’d be open mouthed with shock …because they don’t know everything… even though that’s what they want you to think…hell… does anyone know anything? And they have as complex an inner life as you…. Yes really! Actually… one tip kids … you never ever stop learning new stuff about others, yourself, sometimes you can have more than your life half lived… hell, much more than half and realise how wrong you were …. and also. sometimes how right. All you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other…. go on ask me anything … I dare you, kids