Sucking it Up and dodging the Rabbit. Hole.
Ineffective ways of coping with or enacting change.
Let’s be honest here, folks are pretty uncomfortable with change. Some, including myself have a habit of dealing with it by, not so much pretending it isn’t happening… but by ploughing on as if it has already happened. And it hasn’t happened… yet. This particular modus operandi has been my go to action to deal with any number of uncomfortable situations.
I do remember sitting in a hypnotist’s office some years ago struggling with a break up. It was a break up I could see was going to happen at some point, I felt it would … it was complicated ex wives. and husbands, multiple children and a stepchild situation. But it was actually. a good relationship…but I left anyway.. and I could not understand why I felt so bereft. I mean it wasn’t going to work was it?
The hypnotist said “you haven’t left yourself time to adjust”,…. and this has been a recurring theme for me over the years… not being prepared I suppose to wait for things to take their natural course..I needed to know where I was with it, right now!
I reckon that that way have operating had only made leaving things way harder … I mean I’d liken it to ripping off a band aid, except. in these cases the pain goes on on and on… and that’s not meant to happen.
If you know something is going to end or at least change so drastically as to be counted as an end.. wouldn’t you act on that promptly? I have.
I wonder if there any others out there who do this… if you are hurt, even if you know in your own head it’s not something you should feel hurt about, YOU feel it and you reflexively withdraw, run away and don’t talk about it anymore? I know I have done this and I’ve also indulged in its evil polar opposite…. saying exactly how wrong I felt about that, thus perpetuating the cycle… of judgement and anger. People are so strange. I sometimes think being a human is like dodging rabbit traps all day. I have even managed to be the evil one in other people’s stories. And that despite trying as far as possible to be fair and honest. Honestly that one sucks the most. I reckon we are tied down to societal expectations to the extent that people can’t be flexible… black and white thinking prevails… woe betide you for putting a tiny toe outside the rules even if it feels energetically right. Anyway to save any dragging on of unpleasantness I will be frank about my need to go…now if not sooner. It seems not everyone see things that way…
Bolting from something uncomfortable, uncertain and possibly unproductive at the speed of light seems like commonsense, particularly if you can back up your action with good reasoning . It seems that isn’t always appreciated.
People say do and act with impunity, not aware of the power of their words or the thoughtlessness of their actions, but they believe they are in the right… so suck it up buttercup. Well no I don’t think I will… if the vibe is matter how right it was before. I’ll be gone, might try and take my time about it…no rush is there?