God you are so weird you creep me out!! So says my youngest daughter. She’s very direct.
Having a weird mum is character building. You need to develop a tough skin to deal with the embarrassment. And actually she doesn’t know the half of it really.. not sure she could handle it.
I’m so proud of her she has a strong character and thinks things through too, she is very measured in her approach to life. She’s got my foul mouth and lack of patience but thank god that’s all she’s got… unlike me she’s consistent , hardworking.. tidy to the point of obsession. She hates drama either on stage or real life, and look I share her disdain for the real life kind… but can’t agree with her disapproval of the arts…
That’s one of the things that make me weird… how can an old burnt out fossil like me start acting at this end of life…. there is no chance that she would come and watch any show I was in. The “second hand” embarrassment would be too much!
I learn a lot from my non weird smart and philosophical daughter…. all I would expect her to learn from me is mostly how not to handle things. Oh I do myself down a lot, I suppose, when I say that..but I’ve got to such an advanced age and I still do the wrong thing, even though I ALMOST stop myself…. I know how the land lies… but I still think the hardest thing is saying exactly what we want even when we know what it is….but it won’t be understood. And we are afraid of. that.
I hope my girl understands herself well and knows how to ask, and continues to take care of herself and others. Having a weird mum isn’t the worst thing that can happen and if we can talk to each other and listen …we can all benefit from each other’s uniqueness…. I think I prefer the term uniqueness….to weird…!